Schreck, Bob


1 out of 5

(1 book)

Jurassic Park: Redemption

(Art by Nate Van Dyke and Chris Moreno)

Thirteen years after the events of 'Jurassic Park' Lex Murphy campaigns to ensure the protection and isolation of the islands of Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna.  Meanwhile, her brother Tim engages in shady business dealings in an attempt to honour his grandfather's memory by reviving the dream of the Park.

I love Jurassic Park.  I can't overstate enough how much I adore Spielberg's iconic 1993 film and I'm even something of an apologist for the diminishing-returns sequels (well, maybe not so much 'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom'...).  It was therefore pretty heartbreaking for the first JP graphic novel I read to be such total unmitigated trash.

The story here is a cliched mess, even including a ridiculous villain-you-thought-was-dead reveal that makes no sense whatsoever.  The returning characters feel in no way familiar (least of all Alan Grant and Ellie Satler) and no attempt is made to explore the pathos that all of the Jurassic movies evoke so well.

But it's not just the writer to blame for this monstrosity, because the art here is absolutely terrible too.  Call me old fashioned, but if I was an editor putting together a Jurassic Park comic book, I'd probably make a point of trying to hire an artist who can actually draw dinosaurs, maybe.

IDW has done some good things with licenced IPs over the years, but this is an insult to the entire franchise and has made me very sad as a result.

1 out of 5


Jurassic Park (here)